Nerding with You
Nerding with You
King Richard Review - The Slap That Was Heard Around The World
Have you ever been slapped? Not just physically but also emotionally. A slap that will make you realize your mistakes or a slap that will inspire you to do your best and make you a better person. As we pinoys normally say “Sampal ng katotohanan”. If you are a parent, a child, or someone who wishes to accomplish something, you may feel as if you have been slapped in the face and will be forced to reassess the way you view things in life, especially your dreams or how you should discipline your children after watching this movie.
In this week’s episode, we will review a true-to-life inspiring movie, King Richard, which portrays the family of Serena Jameka Williams, an American professional tennis player who has been ranked singles world No. 1 by the Women's Tennis Association. Serena’s father, Richard Williams, played by none other than the Academy Awards’ best actor, Will Smith.
Enjoy listening mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- King Richard movie, just a hype of the “slapping” incident? The expat couple talks about the movie’s quality and Will Smith’s acting.
- The irony of the movie and real-life: Topz and Glendz discuss Will Smith’s action during the Awards Night and his portrayal of King Richard.
- “Life imitates art” – A saying that hasn't really been applied.
- William family’s story: An example of a loving parent that truly cares about their children.
- Did Glendz cry while watching the movie? The expat couple shares their favorite scenes and takeaways.
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00:00 - Intro
03:23 - King Richard: Here's a short introduction for today's episode.
08:00 - Glendz gives her opinion about the movie.
11:24 - The expat couple tells how they discovered the movie and whether they think it is worth seeing.
15:19 - Topz describes his most memorable scene in the movie and the “slap” incident.
17:30 - Glendz & Topz discuss the "slapping" incident involving Will Smith.
24:49 - Topz reacts to the “Life imitates art” quote of Will Smith.
25:18 - Glendz & Topz talk about how King Richard maintains his emotions and how he educate his daughters.
31:42 - Topz shares his favorite scene in the movie.
33:17 - Glendz reveals the scene in which she cried the most.
37:13 - Topz reveals his tennis player crush!
38:00 - Glendz and Topz talk about the real-life Serena and Venus Williams.
39:47 - Will Smith “slapping” incident aftermath.