Nerding with You
Nerding with You
The Batman Review - Bleak, Dark and Relevant
In this week’s episode, we are going to talk about the most recent “The Batman” movie played by none other than Robert Pattinson, a 2022 American superhero film based on the DC Comics. A movie that is currently rated 8/10 in IMBd and a whopping 85% certified fresh in Rotten Tomatoes!
We are going to run you through a quick summary of the movie, whether it’s worth watching and kids friendly, what the theme and symbolism are, and the point of view of both Batman and the villain Riddler.
Enjoy mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- Did Robert Pattinson give justice to his role? Let's discuss his Batman portrayal.
- Do you think this movie is worth your almost three hours? You will hear our opinions and insights about this movie and why it is well worth watching.
- Is this suitable for children? We'll also examine the reasons why this Batman movie is not child friendly due to its bleakness and dark theme.
- The symbolism of the movie: a world in which power abuses the ordinary people and in which the ordinary can become evil through abuse.
- Fun facts about the movie and other upcoming DC movies!
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00:00 - Intro
03:00 - The Batman: Here's our introduction for today's episode.
08:42 - The Geeky Husband, Topz, gives the movie the thumbs-up!
09:30 - The Clueless Wife, Glendz, compares Robert Pattinson’s acting between Twilight and The Batman.
11:15 - Glendz comments on the movie.
13:19 - Topz offers his thoughts on the movie.
16:22 - The expat couple talks about the theme of the movie.
21:01 - Why aren't there Filipino movies that talk about politics?
21:58 - What is the movie's symbolism?
26:56 - Can kids watch this movie?
28:08 - Are Riddler’s actions justified?
31:48 - The expat couple talks about Batman’s father and his actions.
34:26 - A little fun fact about Riddler!
36:45 - The expat couple talks about their favorite Batman actors.
37:31 - Upcoming DC universe movie and new Batman characters/villains.
40:00 - Is the movie worth watching?