Nerding with You
Nerding with You
Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Review - Worth the Hype or Nakakamad Lang?
Hello mga ka-Nerding! Eto na ang pinakakaabangan niyong Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness review. Here's a disclaimer before we get started: spoiler alert — we will be discussing the movie's scenes, so you'd better watch it first.
In this episode, we’ll share our honest feedback about the movie: Is this clueless wife friendly? Is this worth the hype? Find out more by watching the full episode!
Enjoy mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- Is the movie worth watching or just a fan service?
- Was the movie rushed? Here's Topz's take on the movie.
- Who is Sam Raimi?
- Does this movie actually star Dr. Strange or is it rather about Wanda?
- Fun facts from the Geeky Husband, Topz that you should remember!
- What happened to the 40-minute cut scene?
- The expat couple’s favorite characters and scenes.
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00:00 - Intro
02:52 - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: A quick intro for our today’s episode.
07:02 - Did the Clueless Wife, Glendz, like the movie?
09:07 - A little context for those who haven’t watched the WandaVision.
11:40 - Is this Dr. Strange or Wanda movie?
12:50 - The Geeky Husband, Topz, shares his feedback about the movie and explains who Sam Raimi is.
16:42 - Fun facts from the Geeky Husband, Topz!
21:50 - Is the movie merely a fan service?
23:00 - Glendz’ favorite scenes.
24:35 - Was the movie too fast-paced? Topz shares his disappointment.
26:00 - The expat couple talks about Wanda’s personality.
30:00 - The movie had a 40-minute scene that was cut? (Whaaat?!)
32:10 - The Clueless Wife, Glendz, shares her takeaway from the movie.
36:39 - The Geeky Husband, Topz, shares his favorite characters.
40:35 - What is incursion?