Nerding with You
A podcast by a Filipino ex-pat couple based in the UK, where the geeky husband, Tops, guides his clueless wife, Glendz, about the world of geek fandom where they will dig deep into the hidden and not so hidden messages of movies, series, cartoons, comic book and the entire world of pop culture.
Nerding with You
Everything Everywhere All At Once Review - Yey or Ney?
Tops and Glendz Ramos
Hello mga ka-Nerding! In this week’s episode, we will be discussing an interesting movie titled “Everything Everywhere All At Once”, a movie that offers a unique theory about "time traveling" and will definitely blow your mind.
This is not just about time travelling, we will also uncover the hidden values that we can get from this movie. Additionally, we will discuss Michelle Yeoh's amazing performance, and how the film represents symbolism from "The Revolving Door" in a way that is true to life.
Enjoy mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- The Filipino movie feel scenes in the movie.
- Is the time travel concept here better than the Marvel’s?
- The uniqueness of the movie and the amazing performance of Michelle Yeoh.
- The representation of "The Revolving Door" symbolism in a way that reflects real life.
- Evelyn and Waymond’s roller coaster relationship.
- The values that we can get from this movie.
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00:00 - Intro
02:20 - Everything Everywhere All At Once: A quick intro to our today’s episode.
07:15 - The Clueless Wife, Glendz, shares her honest review
12:39 - The Geeky Husband, Topz, talks about how Michelle Yeoh shined in this movie.
14:45 - What is a Jumping Pad?
18:45 - Topz talks about the uniqueness of time travelling in the movie.
19:38 - Topz explains how our every decision has a unique "universe".
23:15 - What are the values that we can get from this movie?
27:15 - The expat couple talks about how Evelyn and Waymond’s relationship, and the life’s “Revolving Door”.
35:30 - The most important message of the movie.
39:45 - Glendz’ final takeaway and Topz’ fun fact about Waymond’s actor.
This is not just about time travelling, we will also uncover the hidden values that we can get from this movie. Additionally, we will discuss Michelle Yeoh's amazing performance, and how the film represents symbolism from "The Revolving Door" in a way that is true to life.
Enjoy mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- The Filipino movie feel scenes in the movie.
- Is the time travel concept here better than the Marvel’s?
- The uniqueness of the movie and the amazing performance of Michelle Yeoh.
- The representation of "The Revolving Door" symbolism in a way that reflects real life.
- Evelyn and Waymond’s roller coaster relationship.
- The values that we can get from this movie.
Affiliates Shopping links:
Shopee - podlink.co/bhr
Lazada - podlink.co/88n
To listen to our Podcast:
Buzzsprout - http://bit.ly/buzzsprout_nerdingwithyou
Spotify - http://bit.ly/spotify_nerdingwithyou
Apple Podcast - http://bit.ly/apple_nerdingwithyou
Google podcast - http://bit.ly/google_nerdingwithyou
Amazon music - http://bit.ly/amazon_nerdingwithyou
or Watch on Youtube https://bit.ly/nerdingwithyou_youtube
Please like our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/NerdingwithYou
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NerdingwithYou
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nerdingwithyou
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerdingwithyou
00:00 - Intro
02:20 - Everything Everywhere All At Once: A quick intro to our today’s episode.
07:15 - The Clueless Wife, Glendz, shares her honest review
12:39 - The Geeky Husband, Topz, talks about how Michelle Yeoh shined in this movie.
14:45 - What is a Jumping Pad?
18:45 - Topz talks about the uniqueness of time travelling in the movie.
19:38 - Topz explains how our every decision has a unique "universe".
23:15 - What are the values that we can get from this movie?
27:15 - The expat couple talks about how Evelyn and Waymond’s relationship, and the life’s “Revolving Door”.
35:30 - The most important message of the movie.
39:45 - Glendz’ final takeaway and Topz’ fun fact about Waymond’s actor.