Nerding with You
Nerding with You
Nerding With Cadence and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Review
Hello mga ka-Nerding! This week’s episode will be extra sweet as we will have a very “special” and loveable guest and it’s none other than the Geeky Daughter, Cadence.
On this episode, we will review a movie that she also enjoys, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, a 2022 action-adventure comedy film based on the video game series published by Sega, and the sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog (2020).
Enjoy mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- A special guest in today’s episode — The Geeky Daughter, Cadence, joins in.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: A quick intro for today’s episode.
- Is the movie worth watching?
- A look at the movie from the perspective of Generation Z — are the jokes outdated?
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 vs Sonic the Hedgehog 2022: Which one is better?
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00:00 - Intro
01:25 - Who’s our special guest for today’s episode?
03:50 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2: A quick intro for today’s episode.
05:35 - The Geeky Daughter, Cadence, talks about the plot of the movie.
09:22 - Who knows more about the Sonic series?
11:16 - Cadence describes how much she enjoyed the movie.
12:15 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 vs Sonic the Hedgehog 2022: Which one is better?
15:23 - Cadence shares her most favorite scene from the movie.
21:02 - Cadence reveals her most favorite character.
22:10 - What is Taylor’s gender?
22:35 - Topz gives some tips and tricks to Cadence on how to get values from the movies or series.
23:45 - Topz and Cadence break down the flop portion of the movie.
27:14 - Cadence and Topz talk about Knuckles.
29:16 - Is the movie worth watching?
32:40 - Will Cadence return in future episodes?