Nerding with You
Nerding with You
Thor: Love and Thunder Review with Toh Relova - Do we Love it?
“I went for the head…” - Thor (Avengers: Endgame)
Hello mga ka-Nerding! We are complete for today’s episode since the Clueless Wife, Glendz, and a special guest will be joining us today. In this episode, we are reviewing Marvel's latest movie, Thor: Love and Thunder, starring the number one fan, brother Toh Relova!
Enjoy mga ka-Nerding!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- Has the movie met our expectations?
- How does the number one fan feel about the new Thor movie? (... A look at Brother Toh’s thoughts on the movie.)
- Our favorite scenes and characters.
- Taika’s Cut — Deleted scenes discussed.
- Jane’s worthiness of Mjolnir.
- The lowest point and the highlights of the movie.
- Can the movie change your belief in God? (... We will here Brother Toh’s explanation on how this movie will strengthen your belief — especially for those faithful.)
- An overview of what we can expect from the upcoming Thor movie.
Connect with Brother Toh Relova:
Toh Relova’s Social Media links: linktr.ee/tohrelova
Korgi Social Media links: linktr.ee/korginotacorgi
Feast Makati Legaspi Website: https://feastmakatilegaspi.com/
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00:00 - Intro
01:25 - Thor: Love and Thunder: A quick intro for our today’s episode.
03:09 - Introducing our special guest, Brother Toh!
06:05 - How does the number one fan feel about the new Thor movie?
13:10 - Topz and Glendz give their bold opinions.
15:32 - Brother Toh ranks the latest Thor movie.
17:15 - Who are Brother Toh's favorite characters?
20:47 - The Taika’s Cut — The movie should’ve been 3.5 hours?!
25:45 - Is Jane really worthy of Mjolnir?
28:55 - Thor & Jane’s chemistry.
30:30 - What is the lowest point of the movie?
34:44 - Commending Taika Waititi and his movies.
35:45 - Is there any chance that the movie will sway people's beliefs?
40:40 - Why do bad things happen?
47:24 - The lessons we can get from the movie.
50:15 - Brother Toh shares the highlights the movie.
51:49 - What do we expect from the upcoming Thor movie?
57:30 - Ways to connect with Toh Relova.